Dr.-Ing. Marc Kusche
Everything is just fine for him in the Vogtland region
“I deliberately applied for a job in Wernesgrün. It’s true that I like big cities, but I feel more at home in a rural setting – particularly now with the children,” says Dr Marc Kusche, Managing Director for Technology at Wernesgrüner Brauerei GmbH. Two of his three children were born in the Vogtland region and his wife will be able to help local people as a general practitioner once she has finished her maternity leave.

The 42-year-old enjoys being in the countryside in his free time.
Riding my racing or mountain bike from Vogelsgrün to the Aschberg and back is a fantastic experience. You can also see how beautiful the Vogtland region is by cycling round Schöneck too."
The family members sometimes go hiking – and they also love being outside in winter. “We started cross-country skiing in the Vogtland region,” he says, but admits that he prefers downhill-skiing at weekends on the slopes with lifts at Schöneck, Bublava or Eibenstock. Marc Kusche stresses, “We need to publicise everything that we have here on offer in the Vogtland region much more, particularly in western Germany. Many people have visited me during the last three years; most of them were absolutely thrilled and impressed by the friendliness, the culinary dishes, the recreational opportunities and so many green spaces.”
This is particularly important because he senses a trend among politicians in Saxony to neglect rural areas – for example, when it comes to local public transport. He addresses this issue as an ambassador for the Vogtland region on Saxon business committees, where he is a member.
Dr Marc Kusche makes use of the fact that his company in particular probably represents the Vogtland region, as no other firm does. 700,000 hectolitres of Wernesgrüner beer are sold to customers every year – that means about 140 million bottles, on which there is a little poster to promote the brewery and the Vogtland region.
“We’re well-positioned and have invested about EUR 35 million during the last few years. Sales rose last year. Our new products, i.e. Wernesgrüner 1436, Wernesgrüner Alkoholfrei (alcohol-free) and Wernesgrüner Radler (shandy), are a huge success;” he thinks the brewery with its tradition going back 580 years is in good shape.

As an ambassador for the Vogtland region, the manager believes he also needs to do as much as possible so that the people of the Vogtland region themselves really feel at home. “From the region for the region!” – that’s the guiding principle for the brewery. As a managing director, he tries to involve service providers from the region, wherever possible. Extensive sponsoring means that particularly volunteers working in sports and culture receive support. More and more companies use the brewery’s manor for firm celebrations; others come to events in order to experience unforgettable moments.
Then there is the “Vogtland Festival”. On 27 August this year, the host is not a local community, but a company for the first time – the Wernesgrüner brewery. “I’m looking forward to it. The fact that we can organise the Vogtland Festival as a brewery in 2016 shows how closely our history is linked to the Vogtland region and how important the company is for the region,” he says, voicing his opinion.
What personal wishes does Marc Kusche have for the future?
“That we continue feeling so much at home here in the Vogtland region as a family. And that our garden is finally finished so that I can enjoy it even more.”
His smile as he speaks means that everything is just fine, everything…
Personal details
Vita Dr.-Ing. Marc Kusche
- 1974: born in Munich, grew up in Deggendorf
- Until 2005: studied brewing and beverage technology in Weihenstephan, then gained his doctorate
- From 2005: worked for the Bitburger brewery
- 2012: Became an authorised signatory at Wernesgrüner Brauerei GmbH
- Since 1 January 2013: Managing Director for Technology at Wernesgrüner Brauerei GmbH
- Married with three children