My Vogtland region Mirko Schiller Mirko Schiller – a teacher with many visions Lars Rupprecht A start-up at the kitchen table Marcel Singer Jössnitz and Sport belong together Holm Scheibchen Water polo: a passion for decades Lars Seifert Sleepless nights in order to maintain part of his home region Anja Meisel Greater quality of life in the home region Nicole Erdmann A clear decision in favour of the Vogtland region Uwe Prenzel Auerbach is an important and attractive dash of colour in the Vogtland region Ina Ziegert Dr. med. Ina Ziegert, ENT specialist Ines Falcke “…I always love coming back.“ Mario Kautzsch Experiencing the natural surroundings includes having access to the Internet in each room nowadays Katrin Schmidt In action for people – a life with real depth Paginierung←123→