Thomas Bleier
Helping others is a matter close to his heart
Supporting other people and helping others who are less fortunate – that is rather like the common thread running through Thomas Bleier’s life.

Professionally, this is evident in his work as managing director of the Holding Company at Sparkasse Vogtland mbH (BSV). The company has been supporting the local small and medium-sized business sector since 1999. Thomas Bleier became managing director of the BSV after successfully completing his studies as a savings bank business economist during the same year. “Entrepreneurs have ideas, but little or no capital to implement them. We advise them from a business management and financial point of view, take a maximum holding of 49 percent, always with the goal of helping the people in the relevant company to create permanent jobs. It’s all about helping others to help themselves,” he says, describing his job in his composed manner.
This is a success story – the BSV is the sixth largest holding company in the German savings bank sector. It is currently cooperating with 75 companies – and this involves investments totalling EUR 20 million.
“The Vogtland region is dominated by small and medium-sized businesses; highly qualified people work here; they implement excellent ideas, they’re industrious and have long since developed from being pure suppliers to technology developers for major corporations,” says the managing director, summarising his experiences. The fact that significant companies like the Allgaier Group have set up in business in Oelsnitz or Dr. Gühring KG in Treuen is proof that the Vogtland people are very productive.

He publicises this fact too when he is travelling for professional or private reasons and exercises his honorary post as an ambassador for the Vogtland region.
“I invite my business partners to come to the Vogtland region to spend their holidays here or make investments, because there are many down-to-earth people here who wish to achieve something. I naturally describe the beauty of the countryside, the overnight accommodation, the diverse culture, the history of musical instrument making and Plauen lace too,” says the 60-year-old. He is convinced that all Vogtland people benefit in the end if there is plenty happening in the region. This also includes the international competitions at the Sparkasse Vogtland Arena. “I admit that business issues were the driving force at the start, but now it’s a sense of passion of working with the team, who are doing so much for the region.” That is why he attends every competition locally and invites business partners in order to advertise the Vogtland region.