Kerstin Voigt
Magnificent craftsmanship, combined with a love of music
The Upper Vogtland Musicon Valley has left its mark on the region for centuries. Kerstin Voigt grew up with musical instrument making – and she now has responsibility for the company known as “Jürgen Voigt – Meisterwerkstatt für Metallblasinstrumente” and its 40 employees. As the company owner and an ambassador for the Vogtland region, she enjoys publicising the ancient tradition of musical instrument making centred on Markneukirchen all over the world.

Trombones, trumpets, tubas and many other instruments are lined up alongside each other; the showroom of the master craftsmanship centre in Markneukirchen sparkles in golden colours, while the instrument parts are located on the work benches next door and are being processed, soldered or cleaned. Kerstin Voigt and her employees, who are based at the town’s business park, create high-quality products.
The 45-year-old ambassador for the Vogtland region explains: she can prove that her family has been involved in musical instrument making for eleven generations. Her family members included bow makers, violin makers – and brass instrument makers like her and her father, Jürgen Voigt. He will soon celebrate his 70th birthday, but still works as a self-employed master craftsman, continues to advise the company and sometimes even lends a helping hand.
In Kerstin Voigt’s view, this long tradition of musical instrument making not only leaves its mark on business operations, but people’s private lives too.
“I have strong roots in the Vogtland region just because of my background; I grew up in Markneukirchen and my family lives here. I view my job as an ambassador for the Vogtland region in this way: I’d like to communicate more knowledge about the birthplace of German instrument making.”
She travels a great deal as the owner of the master craftsmen’s business and goes to trade fairs, meets business people and musicians. Everything started on a small basis in 1988 when Jürgen Voigt set up his master craftsman’s workshop. That was no easy matter in East Germany.
“We’ve developed enormously since then – but that was hard to imagine in the early days.”
The 40 employees now work at business premises measuring 1600 square metres – and this includes technology and research & development departments. The team also has three trainees.
“We’ve been consistently training people since 1990,” says Kerstin Voigt. The next generations should perpetuate the knowledge of musical instrument making. “That’s why we also support young people who wish to qualify as master craftsmen.”

Even if she has very little leisure time, her private interests are somehow linked to her profession.
“I love going to concerts – in Bad Elster, for example, or going to the theatre in Plauen. The cultural scene in the Vogtland area offers an excellent, varied programme.”
She would really like to enjoy the Vogtland countryside more too if her diary was not so full. “The Vogtland area is a magnificent holiday region and many people envy us because of this. Unfortunately, there is often too little time in our everyday lives to relax in this natural setting. Perhaps one of my three children will opt for this profession,” says the master instrument maker. That would be the 12th generation in the Voigt family.“My oldest son is considering it, but the children should make up their own minds.” For her part, she loves her work.
“It’s very varied, I enjoy working with customers and I get to see places all over the world.”
That, after all, is where the quality instruments made by the Voigt family are shipped.

Personal details
Vita Kerstin Voigt
- Born in 1972, grew up in Markneukirchen
- 1990 Trained to become a brass instrument maker
- 1998 Gained her master craftsmanship qualifications